Friday, May 28, 2010

Week One Down

I have finished my first week of the 30 Day Shred and it hasn't gotten any easier. I can, however, now wake up in the morning without lots of pain. I'm going to do one more week at level 1 before moving on to level 2. Mine is going to end up being the 60 day shred, but oh well! lol I was very inactive before starting this and am happy to be able to have done what I have. Keep pushing and hope the results are coming. Pictures will be posted at the end of week 2.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lots of Pain...There better be lots of gain!

Today is day 2 of the 30 Day Shred and it's even harder to move than yesterday was. I was almost in tears trying to do my push ups this morning. I also went and bought my 2 lb weights instead of using 12 oz can of evaporated milk. lol Maybe I should have stuck with the milk! Oh well. Hopefully all this pain will lead to a big change in my physical appearance. If not, Jillian Michaels will be on my hit list. On the up side, I'm making Brandon do the video with me in the morning, only he's using 10 lb weights. Then we'll see who the sissy really is. *Me again probably*

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Okay, so I have been a bit of a slacker these past weeks, but anyone who really knows me, knows I need tons of motivation. I'm am truly lazy if allowed to be. I've been watching what I eat and Brandon and I have tried to get out and walk every once in a while. I've still done my video about once a week. lol However, I need a goal with a deadline. Other than just losing a little weight. So, after talking to a few people and reading some reviews, I rented the 30 Day Shred from Netflix and will start that when I get home from work in the morning. It's a set time line, so hopefully that will help.
On another note, working nights is giving me lots of time. On this note, I will be working to educational self improvement as well. I plan on hitting the library tomorrow to check out some books to read. Any suggestions on some good ones to start with?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


So I cheated on my diet this weekend. lol I realize it's kinda silly to call it a weekend since it comes in the middle of the week, but since that's when my weekend is for work, that's what I'm calling it. We went camping and while I didn't gorge myself completely, I also didn't eat the healthiest I could. Still, the kids had a blast, Brandon's already planning the next one, and I'm enjoyed relaxing away from everything. It was a great mini-vacation. Yummy food over the campfire. Now, time to get back to business. After, of course, I finish the last of my steak from last night. I mean really, you can't just throw away a beautiful steak like that after it's been seared to perfection on the grill. And I am eating corn with it, so that's healthy, right? lol