Friday, April 30, 2010

Trying to Recover

Okay, so after the 45 minutes I did this morning, I can barely move arms. I believe the only reason I have some range of motion is because I took a naproxin sodium before I went to bed. That video is brutal if you haven't really done any real workouts for like two years. Plus I'm cutting salt from diet which anyone who knows me realizes this is going to take an act of God in and of itself. Ate a yummy dinner of spicy shrimp with tomatoes over some linguine that Brandon had made and brought some grilled chicken with steamed carrots and orzo to work to eat later when I get hungry. Smiling through the pain. lol

Body Reshaping

So while I am aware of the fact that I am thin compared to a lot of people out there and should be very thankful that am in as good of shape as I am in for having two children, I still feel that I could be in better shape. I have been lax about exercising and haven't been eating very healthy either. Neither one are setting good examples for the kids. So, with the onset of Spring and swimsuit season looming around the corner, I am setting out to do some body reshaping. I will post a new set of pictures every two weeks so you can see my progress. I've started with "Crunch: Super Slim Down" which is a combo of yoga and pilates. Brandon and I will be starting PX90 in a few weeks when I feel like I am ready to handle it. We've also been walking a few times a week. Here's hoping I don't kill myself.

Before Pictures:


